Monday 6 February 2012

Valentine’s Day: A blessing or a curse???

Valentine’s Day: A blessing or a curse???

Once again it’s that time of the year again.... In case you haven’t noticed Valentine’s Day is just around the corner!!!  Yes, February 14th is just days away and hence the reason why i decided to write this article. For ages I have observed the fuss and buzz that comes with the preparation and celebration of Valentine’s Day, and it has always baffled me and amused me at the same time.... 
I recently had a chat with a few friends about Valentine’s Day and what exactly it means to them and it was really interesting to discover what it means to each and every one of them.
A friend of mine I would refer to as Bee said to me ‘Chee you know what? That’s actually a very interesting question u asked because for me Valentine’s Day has been more of a curse than a blessing she said jokingly. I asked her why? And she said really for her valentine’s day has always been the same as any other day. Even when she was in relationships it was always one boring valentine’s celebration after the other, she also went on to say that a lot of men this days are too lazy to be bothered about valentine’s celebration. They barely remember your birthday talk less of valentines!
Another friend of mine I would refer to as Kay, He said Valentine’s Day has been more of a blessing than a curse to him and it’s indeed a day he looks forward to every year. When asked why? He said He sees it as a day set aside to celebrate your loved ones and people dear to our hearts.  I personally thought this was a bit unusual for a guy as most guys don’t seem to care about such ‘Trivialities’ as I have heard them refer to it as a lot. So I decided to dig deeper and find out why Kay was so passionate about celebrating Valentine’s Day. After a lot of questions I discovered that Kay actually adopted his ‘valentine culture ‘from his parents. According to him, he grew up seeing his mum and dad exchange gifts lovingly every year on Valentine’s Day, and as a child this made a very strong impression on him. So at a very young age he made up his mind to adopt what I would call ‘The Valentine’s day culture’ Wow! Kays story really made me think! This just goes to show how far the actions of our parents contribute to making us the people we eventually become.

Personally, I think valentine is one of the very few celebrations where you have a lot of divided views.  For some people it’s a day they look forward to, while for some others it’s a day they dread! I recall back when I was at uni, valentine’s celebration used to be a HUGE deal. All the boyfriends had to impress the girlfriends with boxes of chocolates, expensive designer perfumes, huge teddy bears and loads of gift! And the girls on the other hand also had to represent by giving their boyfriends designer shirts, expensive bottles of wine, expensive gold and silver jewellery and loads of beautiful expensive gifts . There used to be a lot of buzz and excitement as February the 14th drew closer and it was a lot of fun! Back then we had a few born romantics who serenaded their partners with Cartoon character themed mascots as well as expensive gifts and roses at 12.01 am on Valentine’s Day while their friends and room-mates watched adoringly.... :)

On the other hand we have people who practically dread valentine’s day because it’s a day that blatantly reminds them of their ‘singleness’ these people usually spend the day wishing they had someone they could exchange gifts with and share the day with.
I personally think Valentine’s Day should be all about the love shared and not necessarily who the love is shared with. I think the whole idea of Valentine’s Day has been misconstrued and as a result, Valentine’s Day celebration has been transformed into Couples day celebration.  It really shouldn’t be just about sharing love and gifts between lovers but it should in fact most importantly be about sharing love and gifts with the needy, less-fortunate and loved ones as well. It would be refreshing to see a wider display of love and affection on Valentine’s Day.  I really do think that over the years the true significance and meaning of valentine has been watered down such that it’s been turned into a selfish celebration so to say. Its A Syndrome I would refer to as Me, My lover and I syndrome. lol! 
1ce again its valentines people, lets share the love most importantly with those who need it the most!!!! That said,

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